Medical Tap Filter
Fixed Position 31 Day

The T-safe Medical Tap Filter Fixed Position provides an effective, easy to install disposable solution that aids infection control and reduces the risk of nosocomial waterborne bacteria infection.
Intelligent Danish Design Technology

Leading the Fight
Against Nosocomial
Waterborne Infection

Helping Hospital Estate Managers & Infection Control teams protect patients from exposure to waterborne pathogens worldwide.

99.99999 Reasons
for Choosing T-safe

Certified sterilising grade membrane filtration, providing assured protection from all waterborne pathogens including Legionella Pneumophila, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria.

Danish Design

Resulting in advanced water safety control, without compromising on performance and end user experience.

A Pioneering
approach to
Water Filtration

The first experimentally validated and field tested long life cycle point of use water filtration system

Trusted to Deliver
Safe Water

A reputation built on performance, underpinned by our commitment to product validation and quality.

Latest posts from our T-safe Insights

T-Safe In Focus Controlling Legionella with Point-of-Use Filters
T-Safe In Focus NETB No. 2024/3: Best Practices for Designing Safe Spaces for Patients at Risk of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria and Waterborne Pathogens
T-Safe In Focus New Anti-Tamper Solutions