Disposable Shower Kit

Colour coded antimicrobial disposable shower kit

The T-safe Disposable Shower Kit offers a streamlined solution for shower compliance that removes the need for onsite cleaning and disinfection maintenance regimes.

Specifically designed for organisations facing the challenge of routinely maintaining large volumes of shower assets, the T-safe Disposable Shower Kit can be combined with our serviced Replacement Shower Scheme that reduces maintenance time whilst improving compliance management. Under the scheme the required number of new Shower Heads and Hoses are delivered to site on a periodic basis, timed to coincide with the onsite cycle maintenance regime. A unique corresponding colour coded system is used to provide a visual identification system of shower heads and hoses exchanged, which streamlines record keeping and improves compliance management.


Antimicrobial Additive
Colour Coding
Order Information
Antimicrobial Additive

How it works
The T-safe Disposable Shower incorporates Antimicrobial Additive technology that reduces the risk of bacteria growth both within the waterway and on external surfaces caused by retrograde contamination during use. Added to the base plastic materials during manufacturing Antibacterial additive provides permanent protection throughout the lifecycle of the product

  • Proven to reduce surface bacteria growth including Pseudomonas Aeruginosa by >99.9%
  • Independently tested in accordance with ISO22196
  • Provides permanent protection throughout life cycle
  • Improved infection control
  • Reduces risk of bacterial growth between cleaning maintenance cycles.
Colour Coding

How it works
The T-safe Disposable Shower offers a simple but effective visual identification system using Colour Coding, that enables tracking of periodic cleaning maintenance and helps streamline compliance management. Available in 4 distinct colours (Violet, Green, Blue and Yellow) that correlate with your planned quarterly cleaning or exchange cycles.

  • Improve tracking of cleaning maintenance and exchange cycles
  • Reduce paperwork and improve record keeping
  • Readily identify missed PPM, avoiding increased infection control risk.

How it works
The T-safe Disposable Shower system is designed to minimise the environmental impact and carbon footprint of a replacement shower scheme. Featuring an ergonomic and lightweight design that reduces the amount of plastics used during manufacturing without compromising quality or performance. Constructed using just two materials including ABS (shower head and conical connections) and PVC (hoses) plastics, the T-safe Disposable Shower is fully recyclable and complimentary to local waste segregation and management plans.

  • Ergonomic lightweight design reduces pastic materials used in manufacturing
  • Manufactured using only recyclable materials
  • Complimentary to local waste management plans.
Order Information
  • Disposable Shower Kit Green 1.25m Hose 10-031256
  • Disposable Shower Kit Yellow 1.25m Hose 10-031257
  • Disposable Shower Kit Blue 1.25m Hose 10-031258
  • Disposable Shower Kit Violet 1.25m Hose 10-031259


Quick and easy to install with no tools or adapters required. The Disposable Shower Kit has a standard ½ inch male BSP threaded connection and can be fitted to an existing water supply.

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