Hygiene Hand Shower Chrome

Re-usable colour coded antimicrobial shower solution

The T-safe Hygiene Shower sets a new standard for shower compliance, complimenting traditional maintenance regimes as a proactive risk reduction measure.

Designed specifically for use in commercial settings, the T-safe Hygiene Shower incorporates a host of features that reduces the inherent risk of waterborne bacteria exposure associated with showers, whilst improving ease of maintenance and compliance management. The impact of smooth bore surfaces combined with ease of cleaning maintenance serve to both limit and reduce the risk of waterborne bacteria growth, in turn providing a safer showering solution for end users.


Colour Coding
Cleaning Maintenance
Order Information
Colour Coding

How it works
The T-safe Hygiene Shower offers a simple but effective visual identification system using Colour Coding, that enables tracking of periodic cleaning maintenance and helps streamline compliance management. Available in 4 distinct colours (Violet, Green, Blue and Yellow) that correlate with your planned quarterly cleaning or exchange cycles.

  • Improve tracking of cleaning maintenance and exchange cycles
  • Reduce paperwork and improve record keeping
  • Readily identify missed PPM, avoiding increased infection control risk.
Cleaning Maintenance

How it works
The T-safe Hygiene Shower has been specifically designed to facilitate ease of cleaning during cyclical maintenance. Constructed in just 2 parts (a removable faceplate and body) and featuring a smooth internal waterway, the T-safe Hgyiene Shower can be quicky and fully disassembled, enabling thorough cleaning and disinfection.

  • Reduce cleaning maintenance time
  • Improve shower compliance
  • Enables thorough cleaning and disinfection.
Order Information
  • Hygiene Shower Chrome 02-071220
  • Hygiene Shower Faceplate Tool 02-000230


Quick and easy to install with no tools or adaptors required. The Hygiene Shower Chrome has a standard ½ inch male BSP threaded connection and can be fitted to an existing shower hose or paired with the T-safe Antimicrobial Hose.

Learn more

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