T-Safe In Focus

The Tracking Of Point Of Use Filters, Showerhead And Hoses In Healthcare

The management of Point of Use Filters, showerhead and hoses in healthcare is important to help reduce the risk of infections. Ensuring effective cleaning, exchange and management of data, meeting the requirements under HSG274 and HTM 04:01.

The management of data and tasks associated with water hygiene compliance usually involves;

  • Paper Based Logbooks
    A traditional form of recording information flowing service visits.
  • Excel Spreadsheets
    Often updated from paper-based records taken by technicians onsite.
  • CAFM (Computer Aided Facilities Management Software) or PPM Management Software
    A generic job instruction which allows you to record results but can be difficult to extract trend information.

To manage assets and tasks more effectively and help reduce the risk of infection T-Safe has partnered with ZetaSafe. The ZetaSafe system collects and manages compliance information ensuring a safer environment for patients, visitors and staff.

Partnering with ZetaSafe and using GS1 data matrix on our Point of Use Filters, showerhead and hoses allows assets and tasks to be tracked accurately.

The unique identification for each product provides the foundation for integrated patient care. GS1 standards have been mandated by the Department of Health for use in all Acute Trusts in England and are integral to the Personalised Health and Care 2020 strategy.


Point of Use Filters and GS1 data matrix
Using GS1 on our Point of Use Filters allows estates teams to accurately track tasks such as filter exchanges and cleaning. When exchanging a filter, you can:

  • Scan the GS1 data matrix which will record the serial number of the filter and enable you to
    track the exchange of dates of the units more effectively.
  • Providing an available record of filters and their locations.


Hygiene Showers and GS1 data matrix
To improve shower compliance T-Safe Hygiene Showers use GS1 data matrix. Date, time and cleaning of the showerhead can be recorded and the indication of the colour change on the faceplate has been completed. Photos of the showerhead and hoses can be taken to show the quality of the clean or to indicate the colour of face plate for auditing purposes.


Increase in efficiency and reducing the risk of infection


Being able to collect, manage and share compliance data more easily


ZetaSafe system can be used independently or can integrate with another system


Complies with HSG274 and HTM 04:01 regulations

Do you want more information regarding our products and GS1 data matrix tracking?

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